Photo Studio
Photo Studio is a full-screen slider which is perfect for showcasing your creative work and company if you are a photographer, music band or even a studio.
Each slide has the same background image, but with different effects. It makes the whole slider into a unified composition. On the first side there is a solid blackout. The second background is transformed to a greyscaled image, and on the third, there is an extra blur as well. Using those effects helps the text layers to become more readable. With that small trick, your visitors will focus on the content of the slides, that's why we are called this slider so.
On the first slide the name of the company is placed into the main viewing area. There is a split-text out animation on that with a rotation and scale at the same time.

Parallax scroll
Second slide is for the portfolio. You can place images there, and if you click on them a gallery will open, where you can see the images in bigger size. The in animations' transform origins are set to the same point, so the rotation effect seems very smooth. The text on the left is mobile-optimized as well, so that will appear in larger size on those devices. There are also 3 flash effect above the text, to make the slide more special. If you click on the [Make an appointment] button the page will scroll down smoothly. To make it possible, you only need to add the ls-scroll-down class for that layer. As you can also see the elements are scrolled in a parallax way to make your slider more fascinating, and give a professional look to your portfolio slide.
On the third slide the Team Members text has a special text animation where the characters appear from the left and right corners alternately. After a small introduction text the team members appear with their photos. Their names and positions has a 3D parallax rotating animation with a feeling of depth.
As you can see, the animations has a very fluid feeling on this slider. The point of them is that you should choose similar easings for the different layer animations, and the direction should be also similar. On the 3rd slide, this direction is top-bottom.

Open in gallery option
If you would like to use the pop-up gallery feature of Layer Slider, you only have to click on the Link tab of the layer, and add the URL of an image, video or even a website. After that select the Open in gallery option from the selectbox below, as you can see in the image on the left.
You can also add the mentioned subtitle for the popup. In this case you need to click on the Attributes tab, and fill the Title parameter there.